Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Over the hump on Palmetto...

Last week was quite busy on Palmetto and now that its over it feels like we made it over the hump.  We still have a ways to go, but things are progressing nicely.  As long as mother nature continues to cooperate things will continue to improve and the course gets better by the day.  The front 9 fairways are growing in at a rapid rate, we began mowing them last week.  As we continue to mow and fertilize they will just get better and better.  We planted them 27 days ago and there are some that are almost completly filled in.
Here is a look at #8 fairway 27 days after being planted.

This past week we also had TifGrand sod being laid on the collars as well as TifGrand sprigs put down on the approaches.  We had a few spots washout from the rain but they were easily repaired the following day.  Barring any major rain storms the approaches should begin filling in nicely over the next couple weeks.

On top of all that work, we also had to sprig and topdress the greens.  The TifEagle sprigs were put out by hand on the greens and then cut in two directions.  Cutting them in allows them to make better soil contact and help them stay in place.  Once they were cut in we topdressed them with about a quarter inch of sand. 
Here you can see the sprigs being cut in on the putting green.

Sprigs being laid on 5 green. You can also see the sod that was laid around the collar.

After the sprigs were cut in we put out about a quarter inch of sand down.

Now that all the grass is down, we can turn our focus back to other projects on the course.  We will continue working on coquina beds, encroachment(OB lines), among other things.  We appreciate the patience and look forward to the final product.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sprigging Front 9 Fairways

Last Thursday and Friday we sprigged the front 9 fairways on Palmetto...and even had enough sprigs left over to do #18 as a bonus fairway.  The process went exactly as planned and we've had great weather so far for establishment.  The 20mph winds today have created some challenges for our irrigation heads, but at least its not terribly hot. The fairways are being watered hourly to keep the new sprigs wet until they begin to develop a root system.  We'll continue to water hourly for about 7 days.

We are also continuing to prepare the back 9 fairways and all the greens for planting in the coming weeks.  Back 9 fairways will be planted on June 11th and 12th, and the greens will be planted the week of June 16th.